Be the DJ 🎧 of your life : Ever feel like you’re fighting yourself?

weight loss wellness Aug 19, 2024

I have this rule for when both my kids are in the car and we are driving somewhere. 

I created it because they would often argue about what kind of music should be played.

And, of course, being siblings who are pretty much polar opposites in terms of their preferences in many things, they would quickly start fighting about the music and what station should be played next.  

As the driver this was incredibly distracting and once even led me to get pulled over by the police as I tried to mediate their fighting. 

Realizing this pattern, I made the following rule which I repeat to them often: 

I’m the DJ and I get to pick what song is played. 

When I say it to them, it immediately puts me in control and establishes me as the authority and my kids quietly settle down in the back seat. 

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You see, there is a part of the brain, which I have learned to call the primitive brain, that needs supervision. We can’t just let it run wild, switching radio sessions every minute. 

It’s the part of our brain, much like a toddler, that seeks immediate gratification and wants what it wants right this second and if it doesn’t get it, it’s gonna throw a tantrum. 

  • It’s the part of the brain that turns to chocolate when we have a tough interaction with a patient.
  • It’s the part of the brain that stops for fast food while driving home from a stressful day at the office or hospital. 
  • It’s the part of the brain that digs into a big bowl of ice cream as a reward for finally getting the kids to bed. 

But the problem with letting this part of the brain be in charge is that eventually there is a net negative. 

  • We gain weight and carry unwanted pounds. 
  • We keep buying larger and larger clothes because even our scrub pants no longer fit. 
  • We develop hypertension, high cholesterol and/or diabetes. 
  • We keep yo-yoing with our weight because we never learn to supervise this part of our brain.

So that’s why we can’t let this part of the brain be the DJ setting the tone for the car ride. 

And we certainly can’t let this part of the brain be the one driving the car and in charge of getting us to our destination. Because who knows how many fast food drive throughs it will stop at on the way and if we’ll ever get to our destination. 

We have to put the primitive part of the brain in the backseat and tell it to settle down and buckle up. (Much like what we tell our kids to do.) 

And instead we have to access the highest part of our brain that has our best interest and highest goals at heart and let it be the driver getting us to our destination.

If you’re ready to access this part of your brain, be the DJ of your life and confidently get back in the driver's seat so you can lose the weight for good and stop turning to food to manage stress or any other emotion, I can show you how inside my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator. Click here to learn more.

Are you ready for lasting weight loss in just 5 minutes a day?  Click the button below to apply for my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator and get ready to lose the weight for the last time.

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Hello, energy and joy!

End overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout in just 4 weeks without quitting your career or going part time with Thrive Rx: Coaching for Healthcare Professionals.  
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