How She Loved Herself Down to Her Goal Weight

stress eating weight loss wellness Oct 06, 2024

One of my favorite things to do is celebration calls with my clients when they come to the end of my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator.

While some of the transformations they make on the inside of my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator are physical ones - pounds and inches they’ve shed and fitting into their favorite clothes again - some of them are more subtle yet none the less profound. 

That’s why I love taking them down memory lane and reminding them of all the ways in which they have changed from when they first started in the program. 

One of my clients, Mohini, a busy family medicine doctor and mom, shared a really beautiful realization from the inside of the program. As she shed pounds, improved her energy and mood while making lasting lifestyle changes she realized:

 “I can love myself at every stage of the process and not feel like I have to get to a certain point in order to be lovable.”

Now that is impactful!

For all the times I’ve used numbers against myself (and seen many of my clients do the same) - the number on the scale, a dress size, my age, how powerful to not let that number define you, your self-worth and your lovability?

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The truth is we need not “metric shame” ourselves as I call the practice of using a number against yourself.

Just like we wouldn’t shame our patients or children for their weight or BMI we shouldn’t do the same to ourselves.

It’s not helpful anyway. In fact it's counterproductive and leads to what I call the harsh downward spiral of guilt, shame and blame. Which for many leads us to turn to food to cope with those feelings and even more guilt, shame and blame.

You don’t have to hate yourself nor be miserable while getting to your goal weight.  

What if instead we made a change from love? 

From knowing we are 100% worthy no matter the number. That we have been and will always continue to be lovable. 

What if we took the pressure off to get to a certain weight by a certain date? 

What if we allowed ourselves to feel happy, confident and successful at weight loss even before we got to goal weight?

That’s what I teach you to do inside my Accelerator. 

Ready for a weight loss journey unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before? Click the button below to apply to work with me. 

Are you ready for lasting weight loss in just 5 minutes a day?  Click the button below to apply for my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator and get ready to lose the weight for the last time.

Apply Here

Goodbye, burnout. 

Hello, energy and joy!

End overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout in just 4 weeks without quitting your career or going part time with Thrive Rx: Coaching for Healthcare Professionals.  
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