The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Kids

coaching stress eating weight loss May 04, 2024

They say that there are three things that change a person forever. One is going to war as a soldier. The second is becoming a doctor, and the third is becoming a parent. 

While I’m not a soldier and have never been to war, I can certainly agree with the second two. 

The process of becoming a doctor and all that you see and do in those 4 years of medical school changes who you are at your core. 

And when I saw my babies live outside of me after 9 months of pregnancy, it truly was like “having your heart go walking around outside your body,” as Elizabeth Stone says.

The moment I became a mother changed me and my life priorities forever. 

I became a martyr for many years, sacrificing my sleep, nursing my kids in the middle of the night, and dropping all my self-care routines to care for them. 

But being a mommy martyr stopped being sustainable when I noticed the toll it was taking on my own body.

My wake up calls came…

When my scrub pants no longer fit…

When I noticed I was hiding behind my kids in pictures…

When my cholesterol and Hemoglobin A1C levels were creeping up…

When I started huffing and puffing running after my toddlers…

When I threw out my lower back from being so overweight…

When a high school friend died in her 30’s

When I fell into the overweight category for the first time while getting a life insurance exam that was meant to protect and provide for my kids…

That’s when it hit me: I was not being a good role model for my kids and the life insurance policy wasn’t just a theoretical one that my family might need one day any longer. 

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I realized if I didn’t start taking care of myself, I may not be around long enough to see my kids grow up.

And what my son and daughter need most in this world is their mother and a healthy, happy one too. 

That’s when I knew things had to change…

I had to stop hiding in the pantry eating chocolate chip cookies after a crazy ER shift.

I had to stop digging into a big bowl of ice cream after getting the kids to bed as a reward for making it through another stressful day.

I had to stop showing up with low energy and a crabby mood because that’s not the mom I wanted to be for them.  

I drew a line in the sand and decided it was truly time to get to the root of the problem by ending my stress and emotional eating and that’s when I got a coach to help me make a change for good.

Mama Doc, are you ready to stop being a mommy martyr?

If you know in your heart that you could be better and that you could do better, I want you to know that my hand is extended out to you and I’d love to help you overcome stress and emotional eating so you can live a long healthy life for yourself and for your kids. 

It truly is the greatest gift you can give to your kids. 

This Mother’s Day and everyday they need you. 

They need the best version of you; the one that is happy, energetic and healthy and will be there for them for decades to come. 

Click here to apply for a spot in my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator and I'll show you the way. 

Are you ready for lasting weight loss in just 5 minutes a day?  Click the button below to apply for my Mama Docs Weight Loss Accelerator and get ready to lose the weight for the last time.

Apply Here

Goodbye, burnout. 

Hello, energy and joy!

End overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout in just 4 weeks without quitting your career or going part time with Thrive Rx: Coaching for Healthcare Professionals.  
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